Are you interested in sharing your journey? Are you comfortable on camera? I’ve been contacted by the producers of Love After Lock Up to invite you to apply for their casting call.
What are the requirements? Well, you can be a biracial, LBGT, Interfaith or any combination couple to apply. There is no age limit.
The show is specifically seeking couples who will see parole within the next 6 months.
How do you apply? They are open to any and all inmates in a relationship with someone on the outside who currently have an outdate within the next 6 months.
They have no restrictions on who can apply for the show. If the inmates release date falls outside of the next 6 months you are still encouraged to contact them as release date requirements can always change in the future. They are open to anyone located nationwide.
The email that you will write to is [email protected].
Please include a photo of you together as well as photos of you separately. Share your story. How did you meet? Were you friends prior to Lock Up? Did you meet as penpals? Did a family member introduce you? Were you visiting a family member and met your loved one during visitation? How long have you known one another? Do you have children? What are your plans for the future? How does your family feel about your relationship? What are the hurdles of loving an inmate?
Wishing you the best of luck and if you are asked to do a Skype interview, let’s go over a few details. First, you need a place where there is very little noise. Do not go to Starbucks to Skype. Second, do not wear busy patterns. Wear solid colors and try not to wear white or black as these colors wash you out.
Look your best. Wear makeup or style your hair. Ideally, your computer camera should be directed from your shoulders to the top of your head.
Using a phone to Skype distorts the quality of the video. If necessary, borrow a computer from a friend or relative.
Setting up Skype is free. You will need an email address to set up a Skype account.
Bring a smile, show your personality. Don’t be nervous. If you need to lift the computer to adjust your camera settings, use books.
Check the sound quality on your computer.
Be on time for your Skype call. Five minutes prior to your expected call you should be online and ready to roll. Production companies operate on timelines. If you cannot honor your commitment to be online due to an unforeseen issue, notify the casting directors and reschedule your interview.