I’ve encountered victims of Complicated Grief Syndrome many times throughout my life but never considered that my twin sister and I were affected by it. Why? Because for our entire lives we have used compartmentalization and disassociation to “put away” things we cannot deal with in order to function and live normally. Many people are […]
Read MoreIt’s not uncommon for me to get a “problem call” on wedding day. In fact, it’s common and a regular occurrence. For two months now these “problem calls” have been rolling in. They aren’t coming from my clients in numerous states marrying an inmate either. Instead they are coming from my “traditional clients.” Standard bookings […]
Read MoreAn inmate at Telford Unit has died. Sadly with cases on the rise at several Units in Texas, there has also been a death of a TDCJ employee as well. I’ve been to Telford Unit a number of times. Four TDCJ employees are positive for Covid-19. Currently there are 36 TDCJ Employees, Staff or Contractors […]
Read MoreThe holidays are “that time of the year” when holiday parties can bring out a few unexpected conversations after one too many. Loose lips sink ships. I never drink too much or have the desire to do so. There isn’t anything glamorous or funny about people who cannot handle their liquor. A glass of wine […]
Read MoreYesterday got off with a bang when my son went to pick up my husband’s recliner from Choates Upholstery while I waited on a FB connection to pick up the other recliner Cindy and I had bought to effectively sneak my husbands recliner out of the house. For my dedicated readers well aware of my […]
Read MoreA few years ago, I married Trishelle at Michael Unit. A few months ago, Trishelle sent me a text that her husband was finally coming home. Their life after lock up as a family would finally begin. I love happy endings. Trishelle’s mother and best friends had joined her in the drive to Tennessee Colony […]
Read MoreJuggling the past few months has been hectic. My worry and concern about my sister has preoccupied my mind and robbed me of sleep. Since flying to NY in August, my twin sister has struggled with pain in her chest but, her “EKG’s were normal.” Because of this and while waiting on a referral to […]
Read MoreSharing the day with Cindy and I was an investigative journalist, Ella. She was in for a wild ride of running from one prison to the next with the Texas Twins. A day in my life is never boring. If you want to ride with me, you buckle up for adventure, laughs and a few […]
Read MoreIt’s been two weeks of running here, there and everywhere while fielding calls and being positive for one young lady in North Dakota who was swindled by a poison pen bearing inmate at TDCJ Ellis Unit playing her for his own gain. In all honesty, I was hoping the other woman STILL actually planning to […]
Read MoreNext week I’m seeing my Ellis client again after a reschedule due to her being over twenty minutes late to the Unit. I’m going to once again revisit the importance of arriving at least twenty minutes early. Please give yourself a wide window on wedding day. Wedding day apparel falls within the visitor dress code […]
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