Since mid March my TDCJ Clients have been waiting for visitation to reopen. During this window of uncertainty and the chaos of a pandemic, I have heard over and over “Covid-19 isn’t real” from people who aren’t medically trained. People have plenty of opinions in the midst of a crisis but as is usually the […]
Read MoreI’m always concerned when on of my clients sends me a text or DM that reads “there’s something I need to talk to you about. Are you busy?” I always drop everything to immediately respond to messages like this because I can feel their sense of urgency. I’m everyone’s mom. I’m always available to my […]
Read MoreI answer a lot of questions. Questions from people who disagree with inmate marriage. Questions from people wanting to marry an inmate. Questions from media about whether the Coronavirus will affect me in the future. For the record, when I walk into the Unit with my client or alone to meet my client or clients […]
Read MoreMonday while traveling from the Tarrant County Clerks Office to Parker and Palo Pinto Jails, my husband send me a text that read “buy toilet paper we are out.” This wasn’t an unusual request from my husband as I had left with a list of weekly items that I normally buy and stock once a […]
Read MoreI spend 3-5 days a week inside state and federal prisons as well as county jails, venues, military bases, backyards and other locations. I am the busiest Inmate Officiant in the United States. I’m also not limited to Texas. I’m licensed and certified to conduct inmate ceremonies in numerous states. What I’m not is “available […]
Read MoreLeaving my office at 7:30AM yesterday to head to TDCJ Estelle Unit, my dog Foxy Wortham was still not feeling well and like my husband, our growing concern over whether or not Foxy will ever recover after his last round of vaccinations has caused emotional anxiety. Foxy’s quality of life has continued to decline and […]
Read MoreLast August, just a few days before Eric was confirmed at TDCJ Crain Unit to marry, he called me to advise me that his bride had changed her mind about marrying. This was surprising but not as uncommon as you might think. Why? 1% of inmates change their mind about marrying after being given a […]
Read MoreLeaving WorthamWorkd at 4:30AM to head to Ramsey I Unit, I had been coordinating with Elena who was landing at Hobby to arrange a meeting with her while Cindy and I were in the Houston area. Ramsey I Unit is about twenty minutes outside of Houston near Stringfellow Unit which was previously Ramsey II Unit. […]
Read MoreSharing the day with Cindy and I was an investigative journalist, Ella. She was in for a wild ride of running from one prison to the next with the Texas Twins. A day in my life is never boring. If you want to ride with me, you buckle up for adventure, laughs and a few […]
Read MoreIt’s been two weeks of running here, there and everywhere while fielding calls and being positive for one young lady in North Dakota who was swindled by a poison pen bearing inmate at TDCJ Ellis Unit playing her for his own gain. In all honesty, I was hoping the other woman STILL actually planning to […]
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