Leaving my office this morning at 6:15AM, I was giving myself a wide berth on time since I wasn’t on site at Michael Unit until 10AM with two beautiful brides this morning but a winter frost hit Texas last night dropping temperatures forty degrees. With wet roads and unexpected traffic situations, I prefer to err […]
Read MoreA few years ago, I married Trishelle at Michael Unit. A few months ago, Trishelle sent me a text that her husband was finally coming home. Their life after lock up as a family would finally begin. I love happy endings. Trishelle’s mother and best friends had joined her in the drive to Tennessee Colony […]
Read MoreJuggling the past few months has been hectic. My worry and concern about my sister has preoccupied my mind and robbed me of sleep. Since flying to NY in August, my twin sister has struggled with pain in her chest but, her “EKG’s were normal.” Because of this and while waiting on a referral to […]
Read MoreMonday was a mess due entirely to dealing with my niece, Stephaney. Worrying about my niece is a full time job and the primary cause of all the stress in my life. For my twin sister, the stress of her daughter and her consistent shenanigans has caused not only stress but also high blood pressure […]
Read MoreSharing the day with Cindy and I was an investigative journalist, Ella. She was in for a wild ride of running from one prison to the next with the Texas Twins. A day in my life is never boring. If you want to ride with me, you buckle up for adventure, laughs and a few […]
Read MoreIt’s been two weeks of running here, there and everywhere while fielding calls and being positive for one young lady in North Dakota who was swindled by a poison pen bearing inmate at TDCJ Ellis Unit playing her for his own gain. In all honesty, I was hoping the other woman STILL actually planning to […]
Read MoreThis morning, I had a number of surprise revelations. It’s tough to surprise me. I’m old and wise and I’ve been working with the public for forty years now. I’ve also literally “seen it all” in the wedding and events business. Today’s eye opener was something I’ve yet to encounter so buckle up for yet […]
Read MoreNext week I’m seeing my Ellis client again after a reschedule due to her being over twenty minutes late to the Unit. I’m going to once again revisit the importance of arriving at least twenty minutes early. Please give yourself a wide window on wedding day. Wedding day apparel falls within the visitor dress code […]
Read MoreAre you interested in sharing your journey? Are you comfortable on camera? I’ve been contacted by the producers of Love After Lock Up to invite you to apply for their casting call. What are the requirements? Well, you can be a biracial, LBGT, Interfaith or any combination couple to apply. There is no age limit. […]
Read MoreLast night while texting back to a client I was asked “can a Warden deny the I60?” The answer is yes. But, there must be a valid reason for a Denial. Wardens don’t simply “just say no.” Let’s go over the primary reason for a Denial. The old CLM issue that most inmates claim “they […]
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